Friday, 10 August 2012

Cut (2007)

Look, there's no use pretending that something really bad isn't waiting for us on the other side of that door.

An original graphic novel from Dark Horse written by founder Mike Richardson with art by Todd Herman and Al Milgrom.

Meagan wakes to find herself in a locked derelict room with no means of escape. The house is in the middle of nowhere and the front door and all the windows are barred from the inside. The need to escape is intensified when she sees another victim, Anita, being fed upon by a large winged, bat-like creature. Escaping from the room she finds evidence of the many people who have been hunted and killed by the creature.

This is a fairly standard horror tale that delivers chills rather than gore. The book is printed in a strange physical size - just over half the size of a normal comic book - and this smaller size means that there is less space available to develop the story fully. There is some attempt to give some immediate back story to the two women abducted in the tale but is not enough to build up a rapport with them. The art is good with a muted colour palette that suits the dismal situation the women find themselves in. But as a whole the book lacks a certain spark to make it truly thrilling and horrific.

First published on RevolutionSF on Sunday Oct 23, 2011

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